Course Measurement

Find a Measurer

To find a course measurer in your area or contact Athletics Canada's Road Running Coordinator or your provincial/territorial branch.

Measurers can charge a variety of rates depending on the complexity and length of the course. Here are some guidelines of what you can expect from expert measurers:

5k or less $375 to $550
10k: $750 to $1000
Half Marathon $1250 to $1750
Marathon $2000 to $3000

In general, $60 to $100/km with a minimum of $375

WA/AIMS Joint Calendar Events

If any WA Member Federation or WA competition organisers wish to have a course measured by any other than a local "C" measurer, this is necessary if the race is to be included in the WA/AIMS joint calendar, they should contact the relevant International Measurement Administrator who will arrange for a measurer to be appointed.

In Canada, the following Measurers are graded "A" or "B" by WA/AIMS.

A measurers:

- Paul Adams

- Geoffrey Buttner

- Bernie Conway

- Marcel LaMontagne

- Laurent Lacroix

- Benjamin Roux

- Dave Yaeger


B measurers:

- Perry Abriel

- Cliff Cunningham

- Gary Duncan

- John Halvorsen


National Certifier and Course Registrar

WA/AIMS Measurement Administrator for the Americas

The WA and AIMS recognise four ?International Measurement Administrators?, each responsible for the administration of measurement matters in one of the following geographical areas. Canada falls within The Americas Region.

French & Spanish-speaking Europe and Africa Jean Francois Delasalle
English-speaking Europe and Africa Hugh Jones
Asia & Oceania Dave Cundy
The Americas Bernie Conway

The measurement administrators:

  • appoint measurers for road race courses within their areas
  • set up, or are otherwise involved in, course measurement seminars held in their areas
  • recommend re-grading of course measurers

Bernie Conway
67 Southwood Cres.
London, Ontario N6J 1S8
Phone+Fax: (519) 641-6889